
Dr Subhash Kapila

Pakistan’s Olive Branch to India March 2021 Perceptionaly under China’s Nudge

Pakistan’s extending an olive branch to India repeated twice since January 2021 by Pakistan Army Chief has analytically not arisen from some divine revelation but seems to be under China’s…

Pakistan Agitation

Myanmar’s Geostrategic Significance Demands United States Patronisation and not Demonisation in 2021

Myanmar’s geostrategic significance in 2021 in relation to the fast menacing China Threat to Indo Pacific security endows it with significant “Strategic Asset Value” for the United States, the West,…

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China Flings Provocative Strategic Gauntlet at New US President Joe Biden 2021

China’s President Xi Jinping unmindful of the geopolitical forces stacked against China in 2021has in his characteristic propensity for aggressive brinkmanship has gambled to throw multiple provocative strategic gauntlets at…

Us China Trade War

NATO Military Alliance Europe Highlights Strategic Concerns on Emerging China Threat

The “China Threat” is no longer a security challenge confined to India, Japan and Indo Pacific nations but now palpably perceived as a global threat- in –the- making impacting the…

Nato Troops Afghanistan Withdrawal

Afghanistan and India 2020 Emerging Perspectives

Afghanistan in 2020 is at critical crossroads arising from uncertainties in wake of US-Taliban Doha Accords impelled by US political expediencies. However, one glimmering certainty is India’s continuing commitment to…

Defence Map Of Afghanistan

Russia and China’s Contradictory Preferences in US Presidential Elections 2020

Russia and China otherwise knit together into a compulsive ‘Strategic Nexus’ due reasons of geopolitical expediencies are intriguingly positioned in contradictory preferences of their respective ‘Preferred Choice’ of next US…

China-Iran Strategic Partnership Agreement – Geopolitical Implications Analysed

China-Iran Strategic Partnership Agreement whose Draft was leaked in public domain some weeks back may appear at first sight to be a game-changer  in Middle East geopolitics  but when analysed…

Iran Map

Pakistan PM Imran Khan Mortgages Nation’s Future to China

Pakistan PM Imran Khan in a riposte to Saudi Arabia’s hardened stand snub against Pakistan consequent to Pakistan Foreign Minister’s threats to the Head of OIC on Kashmir issue has…

Imran Khan Post Balakot

Japan & India Convergent Strategic Perspectives on ‘China-Threat’ Analysed

Japan and India while adhering to diplomatic niceties may under-play or de-emphasise  the ‘China Threat’  as detrimental to Asian Security and to respective national security interests of Japan and India…

Modi And Shinzo Abe Japan Prime Minister

Kashmir As “Disputed Territory” Bogey Fades into History- 2019

Kashmir as ‘Disputed Territory’ bogey nauseatingly maintained by Pakistan ever since 1947 and permissively perpetuated by past Indian Governments due to  political timidity faded into history on August 05 2019…

Jammu And Kashmir Historical

Pakistan Army Pushes Pakistan to Existential Cross Roads

Pakistan Army which tightly controls Pakistan’s foreign policy and security formulations has endangered Pakistan’s survival as an independent Nation-State with a looming critical existential crisis that emerges from what I…

Pakistan Army Troops Ssg

China’s Military White Paper 2019 – Perceptionally Analysed

Perceptionally, the Chinese Military White Paper 2019 publicly released on July 24 needs to be viewed as a direct response to the United States generated geopolitical churning on China’s peripheries…

Flag Of China

China Fighting a Losing Battle against US in Indo Pacific Region-2019

Perceptional battles which today constitute the main ingredient of foreign policies of major Nations indicates that China is losing out to United States in the Indo Pacific Region in 2019…

Japan Visit by US President Trump May 2019- Vexatious Geopolitical Overhang Analysed

US President Trump’s ongoing visit to Japan (May 25-28 2019) takes place when Japan singularly stands out contextually as US bulwark against vexatious geopolitical overhang of challenges posed to US…

India’s Foreign Policy- Post May 23 2019- Three Scenarios

India’s geopolitical significance rose to unprecedented heights in global strategic calculus under the assertive foreign policy initiatives and formulations of Prime Minister Modi during period 2014-19 coupled with international recognition…

Afghanistan’s Future Cannot be secured by sidelining India

US Special Envoy on Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad skipping India as he cavorts across other regional capitals from Islamabad to Amman to broker a peace settlement with Taliban raises crucial questions…

China Does not walk the talk extolling the Wuhan Spirit

The Chinese Prime Minister was recently extolling the Wuhan Spirit and how it has helped in keeping China-India relations on a friendly footing. Rhetoric aside, China’s actions in the wake…

Wuhan Summit Modi Xi Jinpin

China: Persists in Imposing Adversarial Template in Masood Azhar Case

China brazenly and wilfully reinforced Indian perceptions that its policies and actions in intent and deed are decidedly those of a diehard military opponent of India and Indian national security…

Pakistan and India Visits by Saudi Arabia Crown Prince- Analysed

Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia visited Pakistan and India – February 2019 with a further follow-up visit to China. Saudi Arabia’s…

Pakistan Based Terrorism and Suicide Bombings against India raising Ugly Head Again

Pakistan- based and Pakistan-reared terrorism and suicide bombings against India targeting Kashmir Valley have again raised their ugly heads in February 2019 which again brings into central focus the despicable…

Afghanistan Endangered By US Imparting Political Legitimacy to Taliban

Afghanistan’s secure and stable future, however apparently uncertain in 2019, stands more endangered by United States imparting political legitimacy to Afghan Taliban by engaging them in official peace talks in…

Taliban Terror Afghanistan3

Afghanistan’s End-Game- Scenarios-Perspectives- Analysed

Afghanistan’s preferred end-scenario in positive terms of a ‘Stable and Secure Afghanistan’ not materialising after seventeen years of US military embedment arises mainly from United States reluctance to impose deterrent…


Russia’s Japan Policy on wrong side of Geo Political Realities

Russia seems in 2019 to have got its geopolitical realties wrong going by the condescending and arrogant statements of Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov made at  an annual conference directed at Japan on the…

Shinzo Abe Russian President Vladimir Putin

United States Potent Existential Crisis- 2018- The China Threat

The ‘China Threat ‘emerging in 2018  in comprehensive and diverse manifestations poses an existential crisis challenging not only the continuance of United States as the global unipolar Superpower but also…

Trump Xi Jinping

Russia-India Relationship Perspectives Beyond 2018

Russia-India relationship beyond 2018 in terms of perspectives does not offer the same optimism and generate the same fizz as it did till before the disintegration of the Former Soviet…

Russian President Putin And Indian Pm Narendra Modi

Bangladesh: Sheikh Hasina Wins a Third Term: BNP Routed

In the elections held on December 30, the Awami League led Alliance won 288 seats with the BNP led Alliance winning only 7 sets.  Three seats went to others. It…

Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina

Pakistan Army’s Day of Infamy-December 16 1971-Time to Ponder

Pakistan’s annals of history in the decades to come will carry rankling of December 16 1971 as “Pakistan Army’s Day of Infamy” when General Niazi of the Pakistan Army and…

1971 Surrender Of Pakistan 300x207

Pakistan-US Relationship in Spiralling Nosedive -End 2018

Strategic denouement of the United States with Pakistan’s limited strategic utility to US interests was noticeable in end of last decade and has finally come to a head in end-2018…

Us Pakistan Relations

China and United States on a Collision Trajectory -2018

  China in end-2018 seems set firmly on a collision trajectory with the United States which has got accentuated with Chinese President Xi Jinping with his oversized strategic ambitions having…

Us China Trade War

Pakistan-China headed for Massive Shift due to Geopolitical Compulsions

Geopolitical compulsions seem to be bearing down heavily in steering Pakistan- China ‘All Weather Iron Brother Relations’ towards a massive shift in end-2018 whose first indicator has been the less…

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Japan- Enhancing Security & Military Profile in Indo-Pacifc

Japan imperceptibly but surely is engaged in enhancing its security and military profile in a comprehensive manner which augurs well for overall Indo Pacific security and stability in what can…

Shinzo Abe Japan

Pakistan’s Failing Economy Arises from Oversized Pak Army’s Budget

Pakistan in 2018 has ended up as a ‘Economically Failed State’ chiefly due to massive appropriations by Pakistan Army GHQ in Rawalpindi with no questions dare asked nor accountability called…

Pakistan Army Ssg Commandos

India’s Pivotal Indo-Pacific Power Build up needs US & Russian Inputs

Contemporary and unfolding geopolitical imperatives dictate that both the United States and Russia need to stand committed to the power-buildup of India as the pivotal Indo Pacific Power. India’s power…

Putin’s Visit to India -October 2018-Comes with a heavy Pakistani Baggage

The Russia-India Special Strategic Partnership spanning decades has lost its sheen for India with Russia’s pivot in South Asia towards Pakistan as a piquant response to the growing US-India Strategic…

Middle East Acocalypse Now with Regional Power Tussle-2018

In the closing months of 2018, the Middle East security environment presents the spectacle of an intense power struggle going on among the major regional powers like Iran, Saudi Arabia,…

Afghanistan Geo Political Situation End 2018- Revisted

Geopolitically, Afghanistan in end-2018 can best be characterised that it has certainly not turned out as United States second not so victorious Vietnam War despite Pakistan’s effort in collusion with…

China’s Maritime Silk Road- Strategically impacts Indo-Pacifc Security

China’s Maritime Silk Road projects underway in the last two years emerges as a direct strategic and military challenge to the Indo Pacific Security Template adopted by the United States,…

China’s Political Outreach to India 2018 Contextualised By China-US Trade War

China’s political reachout to India, markedly in 2018, needs necessarily to be analysed in the context of the increasing China-US Trade War. Chinese present reachout to India is transactional and…

Myanmar: Report of fact-finding Mission on Rohingya: Its Aftermath

Towards the end of last month,  the fact-finding Mission of OHCHR of UN  released its formal report on the situation in Rohingya that is to be submitted to the UN…

Japan-India Special Strategic Partnership Needs Added Special Robustness

Perceptively missing and noticeable in the last one year is that the Japan-India Special Strategic & Global Partnership is progressing routinely without the fizz that should be attendant on it…

Pakistan New PM-Imran Khan: Nothing Changes

PM Imran Khan, Pakistan’s twenty second Prime Minister sworn on August 18 2018 was not swept into office with a thumping political majority but a cobbled coalition of sorts. Hovering…

Pakistan Army-PM Imran: A Lethal Combination for India

Pakistan Army’s propensity for consistently subjecting India to entire spectrum of military conflict and provocations  is a documented fact enabled by its conversion of Pakistan as a “Garrison State” to…

Pakistan General Elections- Sobering Thoughts the day After

Pakistan’s political dynamics in the last seventy years stand significantly distinguished by a singular irony that in rare periods when there is no military rule, the civilian Prime Minister of…

United States-Russia Relations- Domestic Debate vs National Security

In mid-July 2018 the United States stands uncertainly poised at both geopolitical and strategic crossroads where due more to domestic political compulsions the United States is seemingly unable to discern…

China’s Game Plan to Ease Out US- Suceeding?

China for decades has chafed at the overwhelming geopolitical and military predominance that the United States had superimposed in the Western Pacific at China’s doorsteps. China for decades has employed…

Pakistan General Elections July 2018 Subverted by the Army-Judiciary Nexus

Pakistan General Elections July 2018 could have been a defining moment in Pakistan’s political history of a back-to-back democratic transfer of power through the ballot box. But all portents available…

East Asia Security Not Visibly Conflictual After Trump-Kim Summit

The Singapore Summit between US President Trump and North Korean Chairman Kim on the question of denuclearisation of North Korea on June 12 2018 seems to have been hyped out…

Pakistan General Elections July 2018 – Perspectives

Pakistan’s General Elections are scheduled for mid-July 2018 but the perspectives on it remain clouded in that in the run-up what has become abundantly clear is that the Pakistan Army-Supreme…

United States Pillars of Asian Security 2018

United States strategic embedment in Asian security can only be successfully effective when US policy in 2018 reflects that India and Japan are the pillars of Asian security and therefore…

Wuhan and Sochi Informal Summits: An Analysis

Evidence of PM Modi’s Successful Foreign Policy  Geopolitical imperatives centering on India’s increasing significance in 2018 arising from Indian PM Narendra Modi’s assertive foreign policy successes post-2014 have resulted in…