
Mystery of Missing Bangladeshi Pakistanis
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Issue Net Edition | Date : 19 Jun , 2024

Currently all over the developed world, the issue of ‘migrants’ has assumed the centre stage. From US, where it is a major electoral issue, to UK where it resulted in Brexit, France that has seen the rise of Far Right that is opposing migrants, every where it is affecting the internal politics.

In contrast in India, any talk of detecting and deporting illegal migrant, wrongly labelled as ‘Bangladeshis’, is immediately condemned as ‘communal’ divisive etc since the bulk of them happen to be Muslims. Various courts have expressed concern over this issue and census figures from districts bordering Bangladesh show abnormal rise in numbers. All these lead to clear conclusion that there has indeed been a major influx from that country into India.

Question logically arises as to why these persons from Bangladesh are leaving their motherland and coming to India when they fought a bloody civil war in 1971 to get an independent country of their own? Recent economic indicators show Bangladesh pe capita GDP at $2621 is slightly higher than India’s at $2612. This trend has been operational for a fair amount of time. Thus, there is no economic rational for migration from Bangladesh.

To understand this phenomenon, it is necessary to go back into history.

In pre-independence India, they were a Muslim minority in the region of Bihar Eastern Uttar Pradesh. In 1947, at the time of the partition, they moved to what was then East Pakistan. Being Urdu speakers, in the Pakistani state they got preferential treatment in govt dominated by the West Pakistanis. As East Pakistan saw conflict over language and culture, these people sided with the army in suppression of Bengalis. When civil war broke out between the East and West, the Biharis sided with the West.

They were often the agents that committed atrocities on Hindus and Awami League supporters. The civil war is said to have caused close to 3-6 lakh civilian deaths and rapes of women. Pakistan had raised para military battalions from the non-Bengalis, called the Mujahids. These operated with impunity and were responsible for most of the genocide.

Soon after the liberation, Mukti Bahini or the Bangaldeshi freedom fighters wanted to wreck revenge on them but it was the Indian army that saved them.

After the war Pakistan govt appointed an enquiry commission under Justice Hamidur Rehman to enquire into the causes of the debacle and conduct of Pakistani army. As a sample the statement of Lt. Col. Aziz Ahmed Khan, the commanding officer of 8 Baluch and later of 86 Mujahid battalion is worth quoting,

 “Brigadier Arbbab also told me to destroy all houses in Joydepur.  To a great extent I executed this order. General Niazi visited my unit at Thakurgaon and Bogra.  He asked us how many Hindus we had killed.  In May, there was an order in writing to kill Hindus.  This order was from Brigadier Abdullah Malik of 23 Brigade.”

In 1971, East Pakistan became the independent state of Bangladesh. Bangladesh refused Biharis citizenship because they had “supported the enemy”. Pakistan denied them permission to emigrate, fearing a massive influx could destabilise the country. It is reported that there are around 3-4 lakh Biharis still in 64 camps. After 60 years, twenty Biharis were granted citizenship by Bangladesh.

There are several anomalies in this whole narrative. Most records maintain an absurdly low number at 5 lakh Biharis. The number in 1971 itself was close to 10 lakhs. By natural progression that number would have easily crossed 10 million or 1 crore. Yet the number in camps in Bangladesh seem to be too small.

It is crystal clear that Bangladesh government has pushed these unwanted people into India through porous borders. Politicians on this side found them a captive vote bank and got their votes in return for various documents like adhar cards etc.

Unlike in any other country, any attempt at detecting these illegal migrants in India, is dubbed as anti-Muslim and the Indian Muslims have rallied in the support of these migrants. It is a near impossible situation that hard core and hard liner Islamists have entered India and at present their number could easily be over 10 million. These people are mostly spread to major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru etc and live in slums. Soon they acquire houses and all other perks meant for Indian citizens. These are no economic migrants but a section of Bangladeshi population that committed atrocities on people according to Pakistani sources themselves. 

These pro Pakistani illegal migrants not only deprive genuine Indian citizens of their dues but also act as a pool of sleeper cells and fifth column for the Pakistani intelligence. With a pool of close to a million supporters in major cities, Pakistan has a tremendous capability to conduct sabotage and subversion.

Unlike the economic migrants in the US, who are grateful for the American citizenship and are loyal to the country, the Pakistani migrants from Bangladesh retain their love for Pakistan and muddy the water for Indian Muslims.

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About the Author

Col Anil Athale

Former infantry soldier who was head of War History division, Min of Def, Research fellowships including Fulbright, Kennedy Centre, IDSA, USI and Philosophical Society. 30 years research of conflicts in Kashmir, NE, Ireland, Sri Lanka and South Africa. Author of 7 books on military history.

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