HAL recorded the highest ever turnover of Rs. 15,480 crores (provisional) for the financial year 2014-15 as against Rs. 15,128 crores achieved in FY 2013-14. “Our performance is in line with the MoU signed with the Ministry of Defence and we expect `Excellent’ rating for FY 2014-15. The CAPEX target of Rs. 900 crores has been achieved and we are happy that on the indigenization front over 2000 items were produced resulting in saving to the tune of Rs. 100 crores,” said Mr. T. Suvarna Raju, CMD, HAL. The operating profit for the year was at Rs. 1,560 crores against Rs. 1,551 crores in 2013-14.
As part of Design and Development activities so far 384 flight have been completed on LCH. HAL Board has approved production of 4th technology demonstrator to expedite the process of Initial Operational Clearance (IOC) of LCH. Regarding LUH, Ground Test Vehicle (GTV) test was successfully carried out recently. Also, indigenously designed and developed mini UAV had its first flight during the year.
The commercial negotiation progressed with internal and bilateral meetings with Russian participation for the FGFA program during FY 2014-15. IJT surpassed the milestone of cumulative 1000 sorties with 1004 flights completed so far.
Detailed design, jig fabrication and commissioning have been completed for HAL Basic Turboprop Trainer (HTT-40) and assembly activities have been initiated. Indigenous LCA has so far completed 2871 flights out of which 364 were carried out during 2014-15 for IAF variant. For naval variant of LCA, 43 flights have been completed and 24 flights were done in FY 2014-15. The critical design review for Mirage 2000 upgrade is also completed. Regarding Hindustan Turbo Fan Engine-25 (HTFE-25), detail design of the core engine is completed and assembly tools and required test setup /test bed is under progress. The medium thrust class engine finds wide application in military trainer aircraft, smaller regional jet and unmanned applications.
Some of the other highlights of the year included handing over of the first ROH SU-30 MKI aircraft and first series production of indigenously developed Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) to IAF by the Defence Minister, receiving order for 14 Do-228 aircraft for IAF and production of Hawk aircraft.
As part of R&D policy, a society has been registered for formation of Corporate Meta-university for industry focused research relating to aeronautical sector in all disciplines and inter-disciplinary areas of technologies. During the year 2014-15, 814 patent applications were filed taking the total to 1094 till Mar 31, 2015.
HAL took several initiatives in various other areas such as new product development (supply of rolled rings to Siemens, Canada), customer support, quality, out-sourcing and vendor development, offsets, marketing, IT, HR and CSR during 2014-15.
HAL’s indigenous products enthralled visitors with their flying and static display during the recently concluded 10th edition of Aero India from February 18-22, 2015. The Company’s display was themed around “Evolution of HAL as a centre of excellence in Aviation R&D and Technology over 75 years of its existence”.