DCI innovates by creating a university cursus leading to a diploma in the field of aeronautics, under a partnership with Salon de Provence Air Force School and the Aix-Marseilles University. This partnership will allow young fighter pilots officers to get a diploma in France covering the entire university pathway and issued after training courses leading to a qualification.
The selected cursus makes it possible to provide a bachelor or master-level university diploma to young foreign students, who are closely coached by DCI personnel. To succeed in this challenge, two years of French language learning and scientific upgrading under the tutorship of ex-military personnel are proposed to these young officers. An English version of this university diploma exists already. It has been adapted to especially address trainee fighter pilots for whom it completes a 3-year course in English leading to a qualification.
«The first academic training activities have proved successful since the first four Qatari fighter pilots, trained in the French Air Force, obtained a professional degree in aeronautics last year,» explained General Denuel, Executive Vice-President of DCI-AIRCO. «We hope to be able to extend this approach leading to a diploma to other friendly foreign armed forces.»