Countering UAS/UAV: Recent Developments

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Various Uavs
Countering UAS/UAV: Recent Developments - copyright Shutterstock

On 03 January 2020, a US drone strike ordered by President Donald Trump on Baghdad airport killed a top Iranian commander, General Qasem Soleimani who headed the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force. Early on that day, the Iranian commander, stepped off a plane from Syria or Lebanon at Baghdad International Airport and climbed into a waiting vehicle that was a part of a convoy. Minutes later he was dead, his vehicle blasted into scrap by an American drone flying overhead.

On September 14, 2019, drones were used to attack the Saudi Arabia’s state-owned Aramco oil facilities at Abqaiq Refinery and Khurais Oilfields in Eastern Saudi Arabia. The Houthi movement in Yemen claimed responsibility, tying it to events surrounding the Saudi Arabian intervention in the Yemeni Civil War and stated that ten drones were used in the attack launched from Yemen, South of the facilities. Saudi Arabia and the US said that many more drones and cruise missiles were used for the attack and Iran was behind the attack. The drone attacks crippled Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities and its immediate fallout was seen in the form of a global surge in crude oil prices.1 Saudi Arabia is world’s leading oil exporter.

In the conflict in Syria and Iraq, at least half a dozen groups operate a wide variety of drones, which give even the most poorly funded actors an aerial command of the battle space that can prove decisive in engagements. For example, ISIS has used drones (primarily quadcopters) to help guide vehicle-borne IEDs and even drop rifle grenades more accurately on their targets.2 Some of these groups have successfully armed drones with explosive ordnance, effectively converting cheap hobby kits into rudimentary yet potentially lethal guided missiles. The conflict in Ukraine is another important case study on the impact of small unmanned aircraft in modern warfare. The US Army’s 2016 UAS Report said that more than 600 variants of UAS have been used in a military capacity in more than 80 nations and by various groups, including the ISIS.

As concerns grow around the potential security threat drones may pose to both civilian and military entities, a new market for counter drone technology is rapidly emerging. Militaries have pondered the issue of how to counter unmanned aircraft for several years. The growth in the counter drone technology sector is directly correlated to these concerns. The US Department of Defence (DoD) significantly increased investment in Counter UAS technology only after ISIS and other groups operating in the conflict in Syria and Iraq demonstrated the ability to operate a wide range of drones, including armed systems. The expansion of the sector in the roughly five years since counter drone systems first appeared on the market has been stratospheric.

A market survey conducted in 2015 identified just ten dedicated counter drone systems available for acquisition. Today, over 200 systems are in the market. A research found at least 235 counter drone products either in the market or under active development by 155 manufacturers in 33 countries.3
 Venture capital firms have also evinced interest in the sector, and counter drone technology acquisition and development is now the fastest growing drone related spending category in US DoD budget. In the military domain, small drones have been proliferating at a rate that has alarmed battlefield commanders and planners alike.

The air defence systems that have traditionally been used to protect airspace from manned aircraft are generally ineffective against drones. Military anti-aircraft radars are mostly designed to detect large, fast moving objects. As a result, they cannot always pick up small, slow, low-flying drones. Furthermore, since unmanned aircraft are cheap, it is impractical to use traditional antiaircraft weapons, which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per unit, to shoot them down. Even formidable air defence systems have sometimes failed to bring down rudimentary unmanned aircraft. In July 2016, a simple Russian-made fixed-wing drone that flew into Israeli airspace from Syria survived two Patriot missile intercepts, as well as an air-to-air missile attack from an Israeli fighter jet.4 Relying on visual observation to detect drones is equally ineffective; as at a distance of several hundred feet, drones can become all but invisible to the naked eye.

This paper brings out the latest Counter UAS solutions some countries like the US and Russia are exploring for both immediate and future deployment. The US has been by far the largest spender on counter UAS products; Russia has taken second place following the introduction in 2018 of several counter UAS programmes.

United States

In 2018, the commercial drone market was valued at $5.80 billion, however, according to a report, the drone market is expected to grow by 56.5 percent by 2025. Over the next few years, the DoD will be investing millions into the development, fielding and deployment of the latest counter drone solutions. In addition, there are signs that the DoD is re-thinking their overall counter UAS strategy. While 2019 was about acquiring and testing out the first generation of counter UAS, 2020 will be about synchronising counter drone initiatives across the DoD and inter-operability.


After 18 months of testing, the USAir Force awarded Ascent Vision Technologies (AVT) a $23-million contract to supply mobile counter drone vehicles for the eXpeditionary Mobile Air Defence Integrated System (X-MADIS) programme in August 2019. This is one of a number of contracts AVT has been awarded over the past two years. Whether static or on the move, the X-MADIS leverages radar, optics, radio frequency detection, a jammer and electronic command and control mitigation of the aircraft to detect, locate, track, identify and soft-kill, small UAS. Recently, a variant of the MADIS family of systems, the Light Marine Air Defence Integrated System (L-MADIS) which in use by the US Marine Corps (USMC), downed an Iranian drone in the Persian Gulf as it harassed a US Navy vessel. The L-MADIS comprises two MRZR vehicles, a command node and a sensor vehicle that uses RF to jam flying drones. The capability has been deployed by marines in the US Central Command to protect convoys or protect a forward operating base with protection from UAVs.

Silent Archer

In January 2019, the US Army announced their $108 million contract with SRCInc to develop a vehicle integrated system for the US Army. The Army initially ordered 15 sets of Silent Archer counter drone systems as part of a $65 million contract in 2017. The Air Force followed with a $57 million contract for the systems in April 2018. The Silent Archer System uses a TRL 8/9 radar and Electronic Warfare (EW) systems, camera and a 3D user display to defeat hostile drones, whether they are alone or in swarms.

Anti Drone Ray Guns     

Anti-Drone Ray Guns use radio control frequencies to disrupt the communications of commercial drones, causing them to lose control and ideally, land. Though non-kinetic solutions such as ray guns are especially popular amongst local law enforcement agencies who may need to take down drones in crowded areas where kinetic weapons are not an option, the DoD is also experimenting with these tools as well. In July 2019, the US Army on behalf of Counter, Rocket, Artillery, Mortar Project Directorate, released a solicitation for 40 Drone Defender Systems which can be mounted on any existing weapon with a picatinny rail.

High Energy Laser

Delivered to the USAF in October 2019, Raytheon’s mobile high energy laser weapon system uses an advanced variant of the company’s Multi spectral Targeting System, an electro optical/infrared sensor, to detect, identify and track rogue drones. Soon, the system will be deployed overseas as part of a year- long Air Force experiment to train operators and test the system’s effectiveness under real conditions. Essentially an “anti-drone buggy,” the high energy laser system is mounted on a small all terrain vehicle and uses electro-optical/infrared sensors and High Power Microwave (HPM) systems to detect, track and disrupt the guidance system of drones. Once the UAV is pinpointed, it is quickly neutralised with a laser.


Lockheed Martin is also developing their own high energy laser system known as the Advanced Test High Energy Asset system or ATHENA. A transportable, ground-based system, the ATHENA uses a 30 kilowatt Accelerated Laser Demonstration Initiative (ALADIN) spectral beam combining fibre laser, in which multiple fibre laser modules form a single, powerful, high quality beam that can be used to take out small UAVs.


In February 2019, the US Army released an RFI to determine if there are sources with the interest and ability to deliver 144 IM-SHORAD systems starting in 2020 and continuing through 2024. Using both kinetic and non-kinetic capabilities, the IM-SHORAD system provides 360 degree air defence protection of the Stryker and Armour Brigade Combat Teams (BCT) throughout the range of military operations. This new combat system features a full ‘detect-identify-track-defeat’ capability required to not only take down UAVs, but rotary-wing and fixed-wing threats as well. As of now, the US Army expects to receive first 36 Stryker-based air defence systems in 2021, and between 36-72 units per year in 2022 and 2023.

Both Leonardo DRS and General Dynamics debuted their prototypes this past October. After testing is complete, the Cruise Missile Defence Systems Project Office expects to award an IM-SHORAD production contract in late 2020. In August 2019, the US Army awarded contracts to both Northrop Grumman and Raytheon to build a 50 kilowatt class laser weapon for their fleet of Strykers.

High Power Microwave System                

In partnership with Verus Research and BAE Systems, the USAF is currently developing the Tactical Highpower Microwave Operational Responder (THOR), a new, $15 million Counter UAS solution designed to destroy hostile small UAVs at the speed of light. In a nutshell, this non-kinetic counter drone weapon would use short pulse of microwaves to disable the electronics on the drone itself. In addition, THOR, which is intended to be used for base defence by USAF, offers 360o protection and can take down up to 50 drones at once, even if they are coming from any direction.

Designed for rapid deployment, the 20-foot system can also be dismantled to be transported via C-130 Hercules or other types of cargo airlift. Built on an expedited, 18-month timeline, the THOR is currently undergoing testing. The system was developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Kirtland AF Base, New Mexico. THOR is suitable for relatively short ranges, but the AFRL is working on another system called Counter Electronic High Power Microwave Extended Range Air (CHIMERA) Base Air Defence that is capable of targeting multiple drones at mid-to-long range. CHIMERA is projected to be finished for field testing by 2020.5 The AFRL is investing $16 million in further field assessment of Raytheon’s PHASER High Power Microwave System. The effectiveness of PHASER against drones has already been demonstrated at the Army MFIX exercises in 2018, when the system eliminated 33 drones, two to three at a time.6

Drone Swarms

Drone swarm technology also has the potential to serve as a key counter UAS tool. The US is also looking at drones that can kill other drones to bolster the air defence capabilities. As of the fall of 2019, the DoD has reportedly already invested in two such systems: Raytheon’s Coyote and Anduril Industries’ Interceptor. Both are small UAVs that use their own onboard electro-optical and infrared sensors to spot, track and intercept the target. Raytheon recently announced a counter drone system called ‘Howler’, which uses tube launched Coyotes linked with a truck-mounted radar called Ku Band Radio Frequency System (KuRFS).7 The Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is also currently experimenting with using a swarms of autonomous drones and ground robots to assist with military missions through their OFFensive Swarm Enabled Tactics (OFFSET) programme.

Though many of the drone swarm applications they have publicised so far are offensive tactics, they have also been exploring the use of drone swarms in Counter UAS scenarios. Developed by the US Army, the Ballistic Low Altitude Drone Engagement (BLADE) Counter UAS Drone Swarms work with the Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station (CROWS) and use advanced fire control and precision targeting enablers to detect, track and defeat Unmanned Aerial Systems using electronic attack weapons. Small and mobile, BLADE comprises a set of enabling technologies that are integrated with an armament system to defeat smaller Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) at close ranges, which includes the distance a soldier can see a UAS without using binoculars. A final technology readiness demonstration for the BLADE system is expected to be conducted this year.

The US Customs and Border Protection Agency has awarded the Citadel Defence a contract for Titan Counter Drone System to prevent unauthorised drones from carrying drugs and weapons along the Southern border as drones are being used by the cartel to transport illegal contraband and help migrants illegally cross the border.

Citadel’s Titan system is small, light-weight and portable allowing it to be used at fixed locations, on security vehicles or for dismounted operation. In September 2019, Citadel not only signed a $1 million contract with CBP but also announced a partnership with the USAF who will use their Titan technology to protect war fighters and high value assets from drone attacks.


Russian defence equipment exporter Rosoboronexport has developed a four stage, multi-layer Counter UAS capability combining both soft kill or Electronic Warfare and hard-kill kinetic systems which can engage both combat and COTS drones.

The first tier includes the ‘Repellant’ device produced by JSC Defense Systems. It jams communication, control and navigation channels within 200-6000 Mhz band at a distance up to 30 km. The second layer is made up of the Sapsan-Bekas mobile counter UAS system developed by Rostec subsidiary Avtomatika. The system is fitted with both active and passive UAV detection devices. It can visually track small UAVs up to eight kilometres away with its TV Camera and a cooled thermal imager, or up to 10 and 20 kilometres respectively via its active radar and electronic intelligence systems. The Sapsan Bekas can also disrupt UAV navigation and control channels within a 30-kilometre range as well as designate targets for external EW and AD weapons.

The Rubezh-Avtomatika and Kupol PRO counter UAS systems developed by Avtomatika form the third tier. These systems are designed to repel individual and swarm UAV attacks by jamming an area that is three to four kilometres wide and 2.7 kilometres high. The Kupol PRO weighs 12 kg and has a power capacity of 80W.

The fourth tier is built up of the portable counter UAS devices namely the Luch and Pischal man-portable systems. These have been designed to defeat small UAVs at distances of up to six kilometres and two kilometres respectively. The Pischal weighs 3.5kg and mass production of the Pischal range of anti-drone guns will begin in 2020, according to Russian press agency reports.

Intelligence inputs that terror groups such as Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e-Taiba could use drones as platforms for IEDs to target installations including airports are being taken seriously and a blueprint to secure India’s civil airports from drone attacks is in advanced stages with CISF tasking IdeaForge (an IIT Mumbai alumni company), which designed the Netra drone along with the DRDO to come up with a solution.8 The Border Security Force (BSF) has sought a modern anti-drone system that can detect and destroy a lone or swarm of suspicious aerial platforms in the operations area in the wake of the recent spurt of UAVs being spotted across the India-Pakistan border and arms dropping by UAVs in Punjab from across the border.9 The Indian Army must plan and equip its Air Defence with this capability at the earliest.


  1., 17 Sep 2019.
  2. Watson Ben, ‘The Drones of ISIS’, 12 Jan 2017 accessed at on 28 Dec 2019.
  3. Holland Michel, Arthur. ‘Counter-Drone Systems’, Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College, Feburary 20, 2018,
  4. Ibid.
  5. Cal Jeffrey, ‘USAF Directed Energy Weapon THOR can down swarms of drones simultaneously’, 24 Jun 2019, accessed on
  6. EshelTamir, 23 Sep 2019, ‘AFRL to Test a Drone Swarm Killer HPM’, accessed on
  7. Tucson tech : Coyote gets new teeth as Raytheon build counter drone tech, 02 Jul 2019, accessed on
  8. ‘Exclusive : Blueprint for anti drone technology at top indian airports soon’, 23 Sep 2019, accessed on
  9. ‘BSF Seeks Modern Anti-Drone System to Counter Rogue UAVs on Border’, 14 Oct 2019, accessed on

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