In 2003-2004 the former Peoples War Group (PWG) and the Maoist Communist Centre held a series of confabulations to work out their merger. Their Central Committees met five to six times to exhaustively discuss a seminal document, a blue print for seizing state power in India. This document was finalized in Sep 2004 and is called “Strategy and Tactics for the Indian Revolution”. It is a spine chilling document that lays out a comprehensive road map for the Maoist revolution to overthrow the Indian State. The document is remarkable for its insights into the politico-military situation in India. In 2004 it had clearly anticipated the weak kneed and confused response of the Indian State.
The Prime Minister has consistently called Left Wing Extremism (LWE) as India’s greatest internal security threat. The theory however differs sharply from practice. For over a decade, the Indian nation-state has seriously underestimated the Maoist threat and under-resourced the battle against this grave menace. In the Shivraj Patil era, a concerted attempt was made to assert that such a threat simply did not exist. This Ostrich Syndrome led to a decade of neglect which has been fully exploited by the Maoists to consolidate their strength in a manner that is now truly a cause for alarm. It was only the present Home Minister’s most courageous decision to tackle the Maoist menace head on that led to a series of probing actions by the Police and Paramilitary forces in West Bengal and Chattisgarh and other states.
The Indian State has seriously underestimated that Maoist threat for far too long. It should not have taken Operation Green Hunt for us to see the writing on the wall.
The disasters suffered by the CRPF in Dantewada have served to highlight the enormity of the Maoist threat about which the Indian State was in total denial till just two years ago. The present home minister took a courageous non-partisan and nationalist stance (despite egging on by some elements of his own party to step back and blame the opposition State Governments and make political capital out of a looming national disaster). Like the initial probing attacks against the intruders in Kargil, we may have taken inordinately high casualties but these probing attacks have served to find and fix the enemy and give us a very rude indication of the menacing growth in Maoist military power.
Operation Green Hunt has been a serious wake-up call – one which we can ignore only at our own peril. The Indian State has seriously underestimated that Maoist threat for far too long. It should not have taken Operation Green Hunt for us to see the writing on the wall. The Maoist threat is an existentialist threat that deliberately seeks to destroy the democratic Indian polity and its armed forces, create a Peoples Army and seize state power by exploiting the rural-urban fault-line. It will then impose a ruthless dictatorship of the proletariat (millions of people had died in China during Mao’s chaotic rule). A bankrupt ideology that has dismally failed all over the World (and in specific in Russia and China itself) would be imposed on India. The bleeding heart liberals who are cheer leading the Maoist movement now would be the first to be sent to the new Gulags of an Indian Communist State. The remedy would be far worse that the “capitalist disease” it seeks to cure. It would be a civilisational catastrophe that would radically transform the Indic civilization from its traditional spiritual and mystic outlook and its innately democratic and pacifist orientation to an atheist- materialist ideology and a Maoist militaristic vision that is chillingly blood thirsty.
The Maoist Blue Print for Seizing the State
In 2003-2004 the former Peoples War Group (PWG) and the Maoist Communist Centre held a series of confabulations to work out their merger. Their Central Committees met five to six times to exhaustively discuss a seminal document, a blue print for seizing state power in India. This document was finalized in Sep 2004 and is called “Strategy and Tactics for the Indian Revolution”. It is a spine chilling document that lays out a comprehensive road map for the Maoist revolution to overthrow the Indian State.
The document is remarkable for its insights into the politico-military situation in India. In 2004 it had clearly anticipated the weak kneed and confused response of the Indian State and drawn up plans to strike back in isolated battles of annihilation, destroy the security force “mouthful by mouthful” (as it has in Dantewada) while the State would dither, debate and discuss whether a military response was at all necessary and the Maoists were not simply “Ghandians with Guns”.
“The central task of the Indian Revolution is the seizure of political power. To accomplish this, the Indian people will have to be organised in the Peoples army and will have to wipe out the Armed Forces of the Counter revolutionary Indian State and establish in its place their own state.” “” Maoist document
They are methodically exploiting issues of tribal angst to create Base areas for a long term revolution that will overthrow the Indian democratic State. The document written in 2004 makes chilling reading in the light of all that has happened in the current year. The truth is easily ascertained by going through this original Maoist strategy document. It is spine chilling in its import and its contents must be urgently disseminated in the media and public discourse to alert the nation about the true nature and existential scope of the Maoist threat.
The Document
“Strategy and Tactics for the Indian Revolution” was finalized in 2004 and constituted a cogently analysed road map/blue print for unleashing a Red Revolution in India. A simple citing of some excerpts from this chilling document should serve to highlight the pernicious threat danger that we have underestimated so grossly for so long.
This document is divided into 13 chapters. Chapter 6, 7 and 10 clearly define the Maoist Strategy and long term perspective plan and merit serious study and analysis.
Central Task
Chapter Six highlights “The central task of the Indian Revolution is the seizure of political power. To accomplish this, the Indian people will have to be organised in the People’s army and will have to wipe out the Armed Forces of the Counter revolutionary Indian State and establish in its place their own state.”
This plan to destroy the Indian Armed Forces will need to be noted by military strategists. There is a widespread feeling in the Indian Armed Forces that this is not a secessionist movement and hence the Army may not be needed to deal with it. It is, in fact ,far worse – it seeks to overthrow the Indian state itself. In doing so, it seeks to enlist the support of secessionists in J&K and the North East.
“”¦ the revolutionary situation can become even more favourable for the rapid advance of the peoples war due to several factors such as a war with the neighbouring countries.” “” Maoist document
Chapter Six of this document further states: “Our country is a prison house of nationalities, where some nationalities are engaged in a bitter struggle against the Indian state to achieve their right of self determination.” In 2004 itself the Central Committee of the Maoists had correctly forecasted the constraints of the Indian state in employing military forces against the Reds.
“The strength of the Armed Forces of the reactionaries is quite inadequate in the vast country, and communication system makes it quite inconvenient for the quick movement of the enemy forces.”
“A large part of the remote countryside, most advantageous for the establishment of Red liberated areas from the geographical and military point of view, is inhabited by the discontented and agitated nationalities and tribes who are engaged in bitter armed confrontation with the Indian state.”
“Hence it becomes imperative for the enemy’s armed forces to be deployed in large numbers in even wider areas to contain the armed struggle waged by the various nationalities. Lakhs of enemy armed forces have been deployed since long in Kashmir and the North Eastern states.”
The guideline document continues, “As a considerable part of the enemy’s armed forces will inevitably be engaged against the growing tide of struggles by various nationalities, it will be difficult for the Indian ruling classes to mobilize all their armed forces against our revolutionary war.”
Considering that this was written in 2004, it chillingly anticipated the situation in 2010.