The general elections held in Pakistan on February 08, 2024, were meant to be a pivotal moment for the country's democratic journey. However, the aftermath...
India and Afghanistan, were two friendly nations, which have shared a historical relationship ever since the signing of the Treaty of Friendship in 1950. The...
Since coming to power in August 2021, Taliban de facto authorities desperately need to establish their legitimacy and recognition as the legitimate Afghan Government by...
“Empowering them to believe that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to. Despite challenges that our nation has faced in the last half...
In pursuit of its vision for peace, prosperity and development in the Asian region, the 23rd Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit under India’s first ever...
Afghanistan is riven by geopolitical divides, conflicts, and instability for decades which inflicted incalculable damage and the unflinching testimonies of a future of constant crises...
Afghan women’s trailblazing role for their country at a critical phase of transition added a new dimension. A slogan that enveloped the capital city of...
India-Afghanistan relations are in existence for decades. Witnessing comprehensive and profound ties between the two nations, India continues to support Afghanistan and remain at its...
Afghan women are continuously attributing their stand on a strong foothold even though imbalanced societal norms since the Taliban era have discarded their rights throughout...
Afghanistan has been deeply entrenched in conflict over the past 40 years with an inconclusive stance to establish peace. COVID pandemic is creating an insurmountable...
The increasing spate of attacks in Afghanistan by the Taliban once again highlights the grim security situation and extremist group’s true intentions, amid the seventh...