
Bhashyam Kasturi

Indian Army’s Counter-Insurgency Operations in J&K

                    The Indian experience of tackling insurgency is both varied and rich. This is so both in terms of area and…

Counter Insurgency Picture

India’s Role in Afghanistan – II

  India’s Role in Afghanistan The U.S.-led invasion after 9/11 marked a turning point in the Indian investment in Afghanistan, and it has been able to steadily re-establish its presence.…

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Facts about Chinese presence in POK

  At the end of last year, statements were made by the Indian Army Chief, General V.K. Singh about the presence of Chinese Peoples Liberation Army [PLA] troops in the…

General Kayani and Future of Pakistan – II

  The Army and Counter-Terrorism Pakistan’s counterterrorism strategy in Afghanistan is rife with inherent contradictions, caught between an inclination to fight militant forces and yet having to partner with some…

General Kayani and Future of Pakistan – I

  Recent events in Pakistan, including the special forces assault on the Abbottabad compound in which Osama bin Laden was hiding and living, the attack of PNS Mehran in Karachi…